sbgheader.jpg (7372 bytes)

This page is a compilation of some of the good backgrounds I've found on the web. Right click to save them and do not link to the images here, upload them to your own server, they load faster that way anywho. If you created one of these images and would like to receive due credit, or would like me to take it down, please email me.


bg3.jpg (1141 bytes) bg8.jpg (1909 bytes) booj19.jpg (1924 bytes)
cyber.jpg (3456 bytes) drkpatina.jpg (1438 bytes) Duke1.jpg (1155 bytes)
firebraid.jpg (1647 bytes) Firemaze.jpg (3653 bytes) green-rings1.jpg (1601 bytes)
ether.jpg (2195 bytes) md002.JPG (4057 bytes) pcircle.jpg (2754 bytes)
prpl-flow.jpg (1171 bytes) purpleswirl.jpg (1408 bytes) redbluebumps.jpg (3779 bytes)
bricks.jpg (1934 bytes)
bgbc.jpg (4835 bytes)
Autumnle.jpg (8005 bytes) darkblue.jpg (18323 bytes)
Lunar1.jpg (9644 bytes) temple.jpg (1628 bytes)

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